Event Details

Event ID
Asani Armis
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
General Ood Bnar
Primary reason

Since being knighted, Asani has proven that her previous level of activity was not a fluke. In the last three months she has participated in 19 competitions, earning herself 4 Crescents (1 each of the Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, and Emerald variety). She has also earned 30 Clusters of Ice, 5 Clusters of Earth, and 18 Clusters of Graphite. Additionally, she has been awarded the Grand Cross. During the recent 16th Great Jedi War, she achieved a remarkable level of participation by earning 11 Seals of Transcendence, netting herself an impressive 2 Bronze Novae. As a Roleplayer, Asani has been making her presence felt as well. Participating in 5 RP Sessions and contributing an impressive 14.934 words to said sessions.

Aside from this, Asani has been a near constant presence on Discord, interacting with the House, Clan, and Brotherhood at large whenever she can.

Asani, you’ve been here for 6 months and you can be proud of what you’ve achieved in such a short amount of time. I can’t wait to see what you’ll get up to in the next six months. It’s a genuine pleasure to know you and to share a House with you. I am very proud to promote you to the rank of Equite!

General Ood Bnar, 2023-11-04 06:55:22 UTC
Additional reasons

Snicker-snack and whack goes our beloved Vorpal Bunny, graduated now from Bully to all-out threat. Asani joined as part of a larger class of recruits Six months ago and has been a remarkable presence in that timespan. Whether in the Brotherhood's Art Community, making herself our loving nuisance in Arcona Chat, or popping in through DMs to give us a well-deserved ribbing when needed, she has become an indelible part of our community and only expands her imprint each day.

Congratulations to you, Asani, for hitting this milestone, I look forward to the many you still have ahead of you! With your attitude and attachment to the Brotherhood, I have no doubt you have grander things ahead of you!

Ever Onwards, Asani!

Peacekeeper Masahiro Haku, 2023-11-02 22:16:25 UTC

Bun-dling compliments for Asani is usually pretty easy. As others have touched on, and her activity speaks for itself, I simply wanted to hop onto this recc to add a few additional words about our beloved Bully Bunny.

Asani has raced at her own pace towards the Equite ranks, burrowing her way into our hearts and minds along the way. Her recent Grand Cross covered her GJW and achievements already, so I will just say that I am hop-tomistic she will continue to build upon her accomplishments and hop-fully find joy in getting a chance to share her experience and passion for art and creativity with the rest of the club.

Now, Every-bunny, please join me in congratulating her on reaching this milestone.


Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2023-11-04 01:39:35 UTC