- Event ID
- 256089
- Target
- Grand Master Declan Roark
- Award
- Dantes Spear
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Lord Dacien Victae
- Primary reason
In his contributions to the Brotherhood, Sarin is nearly unmatched. In addition to two terms as Grand Master, Sarin has also served two terms as DGM and Consul, almost two years as Voice, and was a driving force behind the creation of two separate independent units: Revan and Vizsla. As Grand Master, Sarin revolutionized vendettas not once but twice, first by launching the then-unrivaled GJW VIII which many members still remember as a high-point in DB-wide events, and later by introducing the Collective and the modern bin-based vendetta system in GJW XII.
His second term as Grand Master also saw the introduction of the Path/Order system along with the replacement of the six old dark side and light side orders with the three Force user and two non-Force user orders we know today. He worked with Jac to completely rewrite the Covenant and left us with a best-in-class governing document for an online Star Wars fanclub. And he revamped the DB timeline twice as well, bringing the club forward in time during his first term and embracing the new canon timeline in advance of The Force Awakens during his second term.
He's been a friend and a mentor to a generation of Brotherhood leaders, and has shown us all how to take data and conflicting opinions into consideration without becoming paralyzed by indecision. Sarin has put more of his time and energy into this club than just about any member in its history as a leader and as a member, and despite all of the headaches and drama that come with high-level leadership--not to mention all of the other demands on his time and energy in life--he has never rested on his laurels. He has always risen to the occasion when the club has needed him and never sought power and recognition for its own sake.
Sarin is one of only four members in the club to have earned two Golden Lightsabers, all of them Grand Masters. For decades, the GLS has been the "ultimate recognition" that this club offers, but some members' contributions can't be adequately captured by a medal we've been awarding since the 90s. It is my great pleasure to award Sarin the first Dantes Spear.
Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-11-14 15:20:40 UTC
- Additional reasons
Sarin has busted his ass in positions, official and unofficial, for a decade and a half. Almost two. Well earned, I say.
Howlader Taldrya, 2023-11-08 02:03:32 UTC
Matt, you have done more and given more to this club than anyone. Everything you did was for the members. This small token will never be enough to thank you for all that you poured into this group, but I hope it serves as a reminder of everything you have done for us.
I’m proud to call you a friend. Congratulations, buddy.
Master Dracaryis, 2023-11-05 23:11:30 UTC
I was trying to think of where to begin with this because I don’t think we could list everything you have done for this club. Like I am sure others will list a lot of those things, the truth is perhaps the best thing you have given this club is your time. Through overseas deployments, college, family, and everything else life throws at you. Here you are still doing things and showing up. It is an honor to add to this recommendation. Congratulations Sarin!
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2023-11-06 01:28:23 UTC
Sarin has had an incredible impact on this community over the years as a leader, mentor and advisor. In so many ways his influence has shaped the careers of so many other leaders including mine that the total scope of his impact is hard to even know. Any additional ways we can recognize his accomplishments have my full support. Congratulations!
Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2023-11-08 02:35:03 UTC
All one has to do is take a look at our club, and you will have seen Sarin’s impact. Its survival, its evolution, and its thriving success have been lovingly and hard fought for. It is no small feat to lead this club, let alone twice, and Sarin has overseen some of the most radical changes to this club. Few can claim to have poured more into this place than Sarin.
But not only has he helped shape this club into what it is, he continues to support it, and every member and leader in this club. He has always been quick to offer suggestions and support for members' efforts, a trait that largely goes unnoticed by people. I am glad for this chance to support just a little bit of recognition for him. It will never be enough to cover the years of effort he has put into making this an incredible home for so many, but I hope it at least demonstrates just how thankful we all are.
Thank you Sarin, for everything.
Lord Idris Adenn, 2023-11-06 06:57:15 UTC
Sarin’s endless contributions have been nothing short of inspirational. Widespread and monumental, his impact on our club, our family, and its evolution cannot be overstated. His vision guided us through times of upheaval and reinvention and he was never afraid to put his foot down and make the tough decisions that needed to be made. He had a grasp on what we needed as a club. He knew how to keep us on our toes and motivated. A pillar. A guide. A father. A friend. That’s what he is to us and much more.
I have immense respect for you, Sarin, and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award than you. Your attitude, your devotion, your strong will, your good humor and your guidance does us all credit. Sincere and heartfelt, I thank you for everything.
Bale Andros, 2023-11-06 13:06:34 UTC
I've known Matt since 2004. Some here have probably known him longer, and have been in more daunting situations with him in real life, but 20 years is a long time - on the internet or otherwise. Through that time, I've seen the man leave indelible marks on the club that we all love. From events and wars that he wrote, held and graded, to infrastructure tent-poles like the wikipedia, even recent things like drawing together the first Mandalorian Clan of the brotherhood, his efforts echo across the club. They will for some time. He's been a guiding hand to those who are lost, an unflinching critic when it was needed, and a dedicated friend throughout.
The Brotherhood of 2004 was a dramatically different place than it is now, a better place in no small measure due to his work, to the responsibility that he took despite having a life so very full of responsibilities.
Matt, thank you. For your time, your dedication, your willingness to get in and do the hard work. For your sense of humor when everything goes sideways. For your tenacity and drive. For your friendship. Thank you.
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2023-11-07 00:18:50 UTC
I had no idea who this new old-guy GM Sarin was, but he had transferred to my house a decade ago, rocked clan events, and nearly dominated all the vendetta awards in a remarkably short time, making me appear quite impressive as a young QUA. I'm not sure I ever expressed how awesome that was.
When Sarin stepped up for GM round 2 he came out bucking right out of the gate and was an exceptionally demanding boss to see his vision through. Even today I can almost envision his enviable knife hand digitally slicing through the internet, holding everyone to a high standard and on their toes.
However, Matt, you gave as much as you expected from us, in just composing entire epics alone and earning multiple doctorates through your research, mega reports, news x100 and countless hours of effort to make this club a better place. We just won't speak about that AT-AT and poor Luke.
And here we are now, ten years down the line, and like some cosmic destiny you're somehow once again making me look good, long after retirement kicking out all sorts of competition entries and trying out these newfangled RPs. Whether you know it or not you're showing our newer members how to enjoy the time spent in our corner of the internet no matter what rank or role. The fact that any of us can still join and return to DB after decades, is without a doubt, thanks to many of your remarkable contributions. Matt, thank you for the memes, friendship, and your outstanding service and dedication to the club.
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2023-11-07 16:09:15 UTC
This is an easy rec to write. Sarin, is a smart, passionate, and dedicated man that I am happy to call friend. Not just in terms of the club and what I've seen you do for it, but in terms of reality. You give of yourself, even when what you receive in return can be painful. You do it because you love this place and the members. You wanted more than anything for success to be found.
I know what you managed to do. I know what you managed to give. There isn't anything that I can give back that would ever measure up. This is just a small thank you that I'm proud to give.
Thank you and congratulations.
Darth Renatus, 2023-11-08 00:21:28 UTC
I recall when Sarin joined. He was already a Captain and I was somewhere in that graduating High School starting college realm and he seemed to have a maturity about him that I idealized.
Over the years Sarin has had a calm, commanding, presence that was always rooted in "how can people have fun." Something that took me a bit longer to learn. I've seen him stand up for these believes decades ago in another organization (ehhh, it'll remain nameless) and I've read of how he carried that approach here to the DJB.
He was never afraid to make a decision and stand by it and address the feedback of those who felt a different way should have been handled. But that's leadership. Sometimes you don't have 100% of everyone with you.
I've learned a lot from him decades ago and a few years ago when he shared where the DJB was hanging out (Telegram) and got me engaged again have been 3 of the best years of my adult life getting to play with old toys made new.
For all this dedication and commitment here and a lifetime of creating opportunities for others to have fun - congratulations!
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-11-09 04:25:30 UTC