Event Details

Event ID
Battlemaster Katrila
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Ky Terrak di Plagia
Primary reason

Dismal has been an extremely important part of HEK. He continues to push his battle team to perform and always has something for them to do. He has competed in numerous comps and is currently helping to lead his team in the SA run-on. Dismal has learned a lot in his position as BTL and continues to show what he can do. Please award him the Anteian Cross for his hard work and continued dedication to this house ~ HEK QUA Ky<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Dismal is young and still has a lot of time to mature. Still, he manages to crawl his way through life and turn out a wonderful leader. He is a great writer, and shows wonderful competition participation. He also has amazing email, IRC, and forums activity. Leadership wise, he has served greatly as Battle Team Leader, and was just recently made Aedile where I'm sure he'll do a great job. He reminds me a lot of myself when I was a Battleteam Leader, although no one can be as good as me winks, he did get close. He was always in contact with his team, which is a key skill to a leader. He also ran monthly competitions that not only kept them active but helped them earn crescents, which is a big deal when a lot of his members are still trying to reach Dark Jedi Knight. He helped update the team history, and wrote the outline for the history of Ex-Battleteam Blades of Kun. He also created fictional jobs for the team members to use in stories and run-ons. He himself is only a Jedi Hunter, and yet he still shows great signs of a future leader. Dismal rocks in more ways then one. Well, that last sentence was a lie, but he is a good leader one way or another ~ CON Aabs

Ky Terrak di Plagia, 2007-01-12 23:00:00 UTC