Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ky Terrak di Plagia
Primary reason

Kurayami just joined the Brotherhood about 2 weeks ago and in that short amount of time has completed 20 Shadow Academy courses, done his character history and been an active part of the clan on IRC. I would love to show that activity is awarded by giving him the Dark Cross ~ HEK QUA Ky Terrak<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Kura has shown great IRC and emai activity, as well as competition participation, one of which earned him a crescent. He has great Shadow Academy activity, and is an aspiring journeymen overall. All of his amazing activity is grounds for his first merit award, the first of what I expect to be many ~ CON Aabs<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Acolyte Kuriyami has done all he can to get his rank of ACO. He has passed 20 Shadow Academy coarses, including 3 leadership ones, all over a four day span. Kura has also earned a sapphire crescent, one that takes most people longer to acieve. He is also an Initiate in the ACC. I gladly reccomend Kurayami for a Dark Cross ~ AED Dismal

Ky Terrak di Plagia, 2007-01-12 23:00:00 UTC