Reiden is a boss. In fact, I think at one point he went by Boss Reiden Palpatine Karr, Boss. He gets to put boss in there twice, that's how much of a boss he is.
Since his last medal, Reiden has participated in 30 competitions, earned a pair of Novae, and participated in a run on. He's got XP for days and has earned this medal based on those numbers alone. I was particularly pleased to see Reiden step out of his comfort zone and get involved in RPs. In our last clan RP he contributed over 2500 words. It's great to see a member who has been around for a long time try some of these new fandangled opportunities.
Reiden, congratulations on this Sapphire Blade. You've earned it. Keep up the great work, keep on exploring new options, and enjoy the cash that comes with it.
Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2024-01-11 02:56:02 UTC