Since Teylas Ramar’s last recognition, he came out to join the call to arms and in a burst of activity, participated in 6 competitions, and earned 2 Clusters of Earth in the latest GJW. Along with his presence on Discord encouraging others to do things, all of which helped advance Clan Plagueis to 2nd place, and earned him 6 seals of Transcendence. This activity is just one of the constant reminders of Teylas’ legacy of being one of those veteran members to come out and show the new members how it’s done. He has more than earned this Anteian Cross, another in the line of many more awards to come in the future as a continually constant member of Plagueis.
Congrats Teylas and thank you for all you do.
~ QUA Tahiri
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, 2024-01-11 04:39:21 UTC