Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

Since joining House Acclivis Draco, Protector Undi-Yata has participated in several competitions and has earned four Crescents: a Cr-S, Cr-T and Cr-Q x2 for his efforts. Besides the competition medals, he has also completed seven Shadow Academy courses, excluding the Test of Lore. He has also contacted me several times with questions about advancement in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and about his writing, which is something many people don't think about doing.<br> <br> I predict that Undi-Yata will become one of the Clan's main members who racks up the Crescents. If he continues along the same track he's on now, he'll be well on his way to becoming a Knight, the desired rank of all Journeymen. For his accomplishments, efforts, and desire to advance, I am pleased to recommend his first merit medal, a Dark Cross.<br> <br> Keep on going, Undi! :D<br> <br> RevengeX Palpatine<br> Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco

RevengeX Palpatine, 2007-01-16 23:00:00 UTC