This award is late in coming, and I do apologize to Korras for that. But no, I had not forgotten. :P Not in the least. Nor was it a "test" of any crap that others might put you through.<br>
Korras took the reigns of Tridens as Quaestor after I had been selected to become Consul of Tarentum for the second time. Korras had recently come to us from Naga Sadow, where the weight of the DB had come upon him in full. It can often be hard to recover from such injustice, when one feels mistreated, neglected, and unappreciated for their work. I knew that Korras was going through a personal struggle when he came to Tarentum, but I still saw within him the strength of the man I had the pleasure to serve beside when we were both the last Order Leaders of our respective Orders. I saw within Korras a spark that could not have been allowed to go out.<br>
I asked Korras to take the position of Quaestor of tridens, to work with Donitz, and I knew I would not be disappointed. Korras was eager to serve, even if he did need a couple days to breathe. He took the position and immediately began to try and make contact with the House, and work on keeping up the good work that had been initiated previously, and in keeping up with the good work that was being done by Donitz in his position as Aedile.<br>
It wasn't an easy task for Korras, I think. Though Korras has always been a friend to Tarentum, he had only recently joined, and perhaps wasn't as "known" to the House, which can sometimes contribute to newer members retreating "into the shells," to see what would become of the House. Korras should motivation and perseverance in seeing his duties fulfilled until we could replace him. Both Korras and Donitz knew it was time for others to take the lead in Tridens, and resigned for the good of the House. Other leaders may hold onto positions for long periods of time to seem worthy of promotions and rewards; Donitz and Korras took and held their positions only as long as they knew they were worthy of the House's respect. And because of that, they have earned the respect and honor of their peers, and those they served with.<br>
Since resigning from Quaestor, Korras has taken a more relaxed position, but has still been working for the benefit of Tarentum. members of other Clans have slowly found themselves without a place within the Brotherhood, as the Clans they knew before slowly die out, or pass into a new generation that does not respect past contributions and great members. Korras has worked to recruit these people, to offer them a place among our Clan, and to see them welcomed and made to feel as friends and companions. This was not a job that Korras was asked to do, he simply saw a need, and filled it. Korras stands out as a true leader, because those who do work they know they can do, without thoughts of rewards or positions, are in fact working for the members, and are doing the one job that defines this organization. We work for the members explicitly, and we heap rewards upon those who do so.<br>
Korras is worthy of a Grand Cross and more, and I appreciate all of his work thus far, and what he continues to do. Korras has the full honor and admiration of this Clan Summit, as well as his peers within this Clan.<br>
Congratulations, my friend. And Korras, thank you. More than words can do justice, thank you.<br>
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae<br>
Consul, Clan Tarentum
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2007-01-25 23:00:00 UTC