Event Details

Event ID
Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
500 XP
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

It feels like it was only a month ago I was awarding our favourite purple haired Sofila- Wow it was only a month ago!

And yet, despite that here we are again. In that short time period, Sofila has climbed the ranks of the summit, taking over the QUA role 3 weeks ago. Despite her promotion, this has not laxed Sof's drive to be active. She has participated in 85 competitions, 18 of which containers, and in doing so earned 30 Crescents, an awesome ratio to uphold. To be nitty gritty, she got 2 Diamond, 6 Ruby, 6 Amethyst, 10 Sapphire, 4 Emerald and 2 Quartz. Though this pile is nothing in comparison to the 698 Clusters of Fire she's managed to accumulate across 60 gaming activities. Seriously, what the heck?! Among that burning pit, there's 4 Clusters of Earth and 58 Clusters of Ice from 13 Fiction activities.

And this is only the surface of Sofila does within the club. She's in many conversations, chatting, joking and helping others no matter what clan they're in. She is learning the ropes to be Quastor as we speak, and though Tali can speak more readily on her progress there, it's been great to see her making way despite her own doubts.

Stick em with the pointy end Sofila, or.. bash them on the head with the handle I guess! Enjoy the newest stabby to your collection, it certainly won't be the last.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2024-03-26 19:44:32 UTC
Additional reasons

When I last praised Sofila, she was but an Aedile. Now she is the Quaestor.

If there is anything bad one can say about someone as splendid as Sofila, it is that she’s straining my ability to come up with increasingly clever ways of delivering praise without sounding like a broken record. Yet, she keeps doing the hard part of grinding out that XP so needs must.

Since her promotion to Quaestorship, she’s already begun to leave her mark on the House flavor with her launching of Spy Games, and hyping up the ongoing Clan event. Although she is still a relatively fresh member, she’s clearly taken to the House Qel-Droma theme and wishes to reinforce it. Something I greatly appreciate, as it was in need of some much-needed fresh air.

She has also shown diligence and taken on a more structured approach to how we dish out praise in our Monthly Reports, by updating the Crescent leaderboard to now include points for pretty much all activities we do on the site! As a leader, she is also genuinely empathetic and cares much for the members, taking their concerns to heart and swiftly seeking out remedies to ensure member enjoyment remains high. In these things, she has clearly shown how important it is to shake up old Summits with fresh ideas and new energy, both of which Sofila has by the megaton!

I shan’t dwell on details, but I must make mention that Sofila is capital-D Dedicated to her post and Arcona. She gives it her all and it shows in both her personal track record, as well as her interactions with the Clan Summit and membership. I know I speak with the voice of many when I say we stand in awe of her ability to give so much of her, even when life and other matters demand their own attention.

Thank you, Sofila, for your hard work and dedication!

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2024-03-26 19:43:58 UTC