Event Details

Event ID
Magistrate Saal Kesyk
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Primary reason

Saal, I can honestly say that I have been looking forward to this since your return to the clan! Since his last promotion Saal has been in and out of Rogues, but since his return to Plagueis he has been a whirlwind of activity competing in 38 competitions, placing in 18 and earning some shinnies including 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 with Ruby Star, 6 with Amethyst Star, 4 with Sapphire Star and 5 with Emerald star. That's an incredible 47% placement rate!! Willing to try different things, Saal has dipped his toes into the ACC with an extremely fun and well written battle as well as continuing to expand his characters fictionally, all of his fictioning combined for a whopping 4039 words written. Saal’s efforts have also added to his ever growing collection of clusters with 1 Cluster of Fire, 9 Ice, 25 Graphite and lead to ranking up 4 times in the Shroud Syndicate and 4 times in the Inquisitorius.

Most recently, Saal was an absolute beast competing in 14 competitions during the recent Plagueis House V House event Ascending Conflict and helping to bring a victory to House Tyranus! But this is just the competition efforts, Saal has been hellbent on learning everything and anything he can about the DB completing 56 Shadow Academy courses, 11 Degrees and ranking up 5 times in the Aurora Collegium of Sciences. On top of all the stats and numbers and mathy stuff, Saal has been active in the clan chat, asking questions and making an effort to not only learn more about the club and how it works but also getting to know the members on a personal level. This has been my way of saying that I am proud to recommend Saal for a well deserved promotion to Equite 2!

TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia, 2024-03-30 19:20:35 UTC