Kagon Agra has reached the required 1450 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 3.
Well, it’s that time again folks! Another one of our members climbs the ranks, but this isn’t just anyone; Kagon Agra, one the Empire’s newest!
After joining only a short month ago, Kagon has been a force to be reckoned with, from his enthusiasm and engagement in the halls of our discord community to participating in already 6 competitions, 5 of which have all been since his last promotion! And that’s not even talking about his activity in the GMRG, with 19 listed submissions for gaming under his belt.
Kagon continues to show us what a little bit of determination and a whole lot of personality can do in even just a little bit of time. Kagon, keep up the good work, and we will be watching your career with great interest!
Drinks are on you!
Ellac Conrat, 2024-04-01 16:36:03 UTC