What can I say about Orzon? He is a great leader. In the days he was Clan Envoy, he was an a great resource to Clan Plagueis, and helped members, whether an Elder or a Journeyman, to the best of his ability. I watched as he made that leap to ProConsul. Plagueis has already started to prosper under his leadership. It is with great pleasure that I reccomend Orz for a Grand Cross ~ AED Dismal Visutor al'Tor<br>
Orzon has served continuously and with great dedication in his role as a leader of Clan Plagueis for as long as I have been in the clan. In the midst of seemingly endless turnover in the clan and house summits over the past months, Orzon has been the one constant presence at the head of the clan. First as Clan Envoy, and now as Proconsul, Orz has maintained an astonishingly consistent level of activity that well exceeds that expected of the vast majority of Brotherhood members and leaders, and on top of his duties as Proconsul, Orz is also currently fulfilling the duties of his old job as Clan Envoy. Running competitions, tracking master/student pairs within the clan, mediating disputes between clan members, and keeping on top of house summits are just a portion of the varied duties he performs daily. Few people can handle his workload with such efficiency and ease ~ BubbaX<br>
Well... What can you say about Orzon? Troublemaker, of course. Orzon can always be counted on for making sure that the members come first even if its not always the most popular thing to do. His dedication and loyalty to this clan are second to none. Slacker, well not so much. He is one of the most active members of the clan, always competing in competitions, running his own as well taking care of the various projects he always finds himself a part of. The amount of work that he handles and completes is always overwhelming. The Grand Cross is but a small token to his efforts to better this clan ~ HEK QUA Ky<br>
Orzon. I don't think it is possible to say who, or what, Orzon is with words, so I won't even try. I will say that he is amazingly active, and if given the chance could probably hold ten leadership positions at once. In fact, he almost has. Since his promotion as ProConsul, he has acted as Clan Envoy, temporarily, and I must say is awesome at it. He served as QUA of HEK for eleven amazing days, and so far as served as PCON for three months. He is also currently on the DSC Staff where thus far he has compressed the Tarentum and CSP histories, as well as written the Krath Order article and done several comments, reviews, etc.<br>
As ProConsul, Orz has complete numerous projects. He literally took practically every project I had and started working on them, and has made great progress. He not only does things himself, however, but he also gets the members involved. Some of his projects include updating the House Exar Kun history, writing the description of Calabrez and Antares System for the Antei System Project, modifieing the history of Battle Team Exar's Shadow, creating the outlines for the Shadow Academy courses History of the Sith Empire II and III, editing those two courses, and writting the exam for the III course. He is almost always willing to take on a project, and when he does he does it far past expectations. His work as Clan Envor, PCON and DSC Staff Member more then warrant this award ~ CON Aabs
Zanet Xox, 2007-02-03 23:00:00 UTC