First of all, I have to say...some people dunk on their friends, I get to rec on my friends. Take that, nerd!
That outta the way, I'm very happy to say that Idris is a machine as the Voice and sole judgement bot of the ACC. He is always there to take my (and our) worst (and occasionally best) jokes and craft an entire narrative around a single punch line. I respect that. I always will.
But that's all silly fluff and nonsense. I can honestly say that Idris makes work on the Council level easy. He contributes to each discussion and provides as much information as he can, as well as counter points. Even when he's falling apart, physically, he's here for us. That's more than we could possibly ask for.
Congratulations Iddy, welcome to the club. I saved you a spot.
Darth Renatus, 2024-05-03 01:41:55 UTC