Event Details

Event ID
Creon Neverse
Old Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
New Rank
Vanguard (Equite 3)
Requested by
Daro Vane
Primary reason

Creon Neverse has reached the required 23000 XP to reach the rank of Equite 3.

I’ve known Creon for quite sometime now and I can honestly say that he enjoys discussing and debating Star Wars, the Brotherhood, and Odan-Urr with passion. Part of the family, he has been helpful with his ideas and genuinely wants to help make this Clan a better place. Since his last promotion he has achieved and earned the following.

  • Organized 76 unique competitions
  • Participated in 132 competitions
  • Completed 4 ACC battles
  • Written over 18k words of fiction

In the process he has accumulated a stash which includes 1 Amethyst Kukri, 1 Sapphire Blade, 3 Grand Crosses, 2 Steel Crosses, 1 Bronze Nova, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 Crescent with Ruby Stars, 6 Crescent with Amethyst Stars, 11 Crescent with Sapphire Stars, 8 Crescent with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star, 2 Crescent with Quartz Star, 226 Clusters of Fire, 70 Clusters of Ice, 208 Clusters of Earth, 35 Clusters of Graphite, 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination, 19 Seals of Ascension.

Well done Creaon and thank you for all that you do, my friend!!

Daro Vane, 2024-05-21 06:32:17 UTC