Event Details

Event ID
Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Man, didn't I just write a recc for this guy?

Thran is a staple of this community. Whether it's as a leader in the regular command structure, or leader in the work for the community as my Praetor, there is one thing that cannot be denied: the man is one of the hardest working people for this club I have ever met. Over the last nearly three years of my Praetor he has been my rock, and although we have our disagreements, there is no denying his dedication to our little internet community and the fact the guy practically pees excellence in all of his work. I can attest to that, and so can numerous projects that have been completed from the Regent Staff since he has joined us.

Thran Palpatine is a machine, and I'd like to see anyone try to deny that. Even with the countless hours of work he puts in on my staff, often ripping out his little <insert color> hair, he still finds time to be a real leader in the community in more ways than one. He's an avid gamer, hilarious writer, strong and dependable leader, and all around amazing guy to have in your corner. I wouldn't want anyone else as my right hand, my main squeeze, my "just do it" punching bag, taking all the abuse that I throw at him. There is much of it.

Although it's the recent XP changes that have put him over the new threshold for Elder 2 (167000 XP, let that number sink in a bit), there is no denying that he has earned this promotion through his hard work and dedication. Plus, he's funny.

Congratulations Thran. You more than deserve this, and I am so happy that I get to write this recommendation for you.

Zxyl Bes'uliik
Grateful Friend
Regent of the Brotherhood

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2024-05-21 18:26:26 UTC
Additional reasons

I started on the Regents staff 2 years ago but have known the Thrandalorian since nearly day one that I joined this club. He is now what he was then. A dedicated and hard-working member of this club that will go above and beyond. Anubis outlined his work as Praetor, but I will as well from a different perspective. Particularly in his onboarding of new staff members and teaching us the ropes. Clear and concise instructions on how the various systems work made, at least for me, a quicker onboarding of new members.

Working on Regent staff is a challenging thing. The standards are exacting, and balancing new items' costs is an exhausting feat at times. Thran can run this balance like walking on a tightrope juggling knives. His work on staff is second only to Anubis which is saying something. Nothing on staff it seems happens without Thran’s guidance in some fashion. And as many know Anubis is sometimes without the interwebs on his journey across the wilds during work. Thran runs the office in his absence in such a manner that most members don’t even realize Anubis is out for a few days. Work continues to get done, the member's questions and emails are answered, and the beatings continue.

Congrats Thran!! Here is a Random Number 74563

Vynn Salm, 2024-05-20 13:50:30 UTC

"Oh no. OH NO! It's to soon. This shouldn't be happening," Kamjin rustled through the papers on his desk in a panic. "I just made Master. I can't have Thran welding the same power as me. He'll," Kamjin choked as his swallowed. "I must put a stop to this. I must survive!"

Kamjin did not, in fact, put a stop to anything - Morgan Freeman voice.

Well, well well, here we are again my (new) old friend. Like a machine, which I assume you are at this point, you've done all the things in such a glorious way. From spreadsheets, to role plays, to clan events you've covered all the bases (I assume space baseball is a thing. If not it should be).

I shall now have to apply more efforts (probably in something other than cards) to keep you from stabbing me in the back!

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2024-05-20 15:04:43 UTC

Thran, the man, the legend, the one and only. We wouldn't be the same without you. You're a pillar of strength for our community both in CSP and in the Regent staff. I know for a fact how hard you work for both. You are an amazing writer, a passionate leader, and an all around exemplary member.

You had your hands in organizing May 4th last year, got us through a Probowl, a GJW, and a clan Sithmas, worked on various projects with our clan members, helped me become a better leader, helped the QUAs become better leaders, and most recently created our clan's fictional piece in Chapter 2. Your activity is staggering and a few things are worth highlighting. An Emerald Dagger, a Ruby Scepter, 3 Sapphire Blades, 2 Grand Crosses, 322 Clusters of Ice, 142 Clusters of Granite, 1359 Clusters of Fire, 2480 Clusters of Earth, a Gold Nova, 2 Bronze Novae, 3 Seals of Loyalty. You've also ranked up 21 times in our societies, organized 106 competitions, participated in 352 competitions, written 92827 words of fiction and another 55k in RP, and earned over 2.5 million credits for CSP. There's so much more you have contributed I can't even list it all and you've proven how an Elder should act.

The spotlight is on you and it's time to shine. You've earned this promotion into the next stages of Elder. Congratulations, Thran!! It's your turn in the fire!

Proconsul Rayne Palpatine, 2024-05-20 16:32:31 UTC

Dedication is the word I would use to sum Thran up. Since I joined the DJB, I have always seen and looked up to Thran as a leader. He’s been one of an unwavering constant for me in this band of nerds. He’s always been present. Even when real life took his precious First Friday, he has still managed to find the time and energy to make this clan (and the never-ending slew of labor that Anubis demands from him) a better place for veteran and new members. The work that Rayne cited stands as testament of this. Beyond his dedication, he’s been a real leader in our clan and a good role model for this entire club (I’m not biased, you’re biased). I am proud to have served under his leadership and even more so to be able to recognize him for it. XP update aside, you have more than earned this! Congrats, Thran!

empties a keg of booze on the Emperor

Imperial Kah’ri Marru, 2024-05-20 22:46:43 UTC

Thran Occasus-Palpatine. What can I say about him that could convey the weight of all he's done for not just Clan Scholae Palatinae, but the DB as a whole?

He's focused, resilient, driven. He leads his clan not by walking ahead, but by coming up behind them. His heart for the community and desire to serve them go hand-in-hand with his dauntless pursuit of the higher mark. He has taught me how to be a better lead both in the small logistical happenings of the club and as a person in general, and those are lessons that I won't soon forget.

Thran, where others make ripples, you make waves, and I'm honored to serve along side you and to learn from your examples. Here's to the Usurper, who sits upon the throne once again! Congratulations! We'll try not to burn you too bad...

Ellac Conrat, 2024-05-21 18:00:31 UTC