Boring stuff first. Since his last promotion to Elder 1, Orv did a few things. Some of those things include: Herald, M:Herald, Special Magistrate/Magistrate to the Seneschal, and shadow academy professor. This is likely why he has 1 Emerald Dagger, 2 novae, some crescents, an SoF, LoS, 2 SoLs and 6 Seals of Revelation no clubbing required. He co-organized 19 competitions, and participated in 42 of them. All of that apparently added up to the enough internet points XP to proc this Elder 2 promotion.
Ok, boring stuff over, lets talk a bit about Orv, and his impact to the club. Orv's artwork, both the talent, heart, and quirky whimsy behind it, is all over our website. It's in the join page, and some of the first art new members will see. His own hand, and his teams by extension, created a bunch of art that sits in the selectors and members to this day use. He did many custom art requests, a lot still in use.
He also just in general was the exact type of member and leader you looked for in the Brotherhood. Funny, empathetic, smart, and emotionally intelligent. Having him around made the club, and especially Clan Arcona (we shared him with the DC for a bit) made this a better place to be and hang out.
I'm sure there were many small things that Orv did in the background that many simply didn't track on. But Orv is one of the rare members who has had a lasting subtle impact on this club, and we were lucky to have him when he was around and know that if he ever pops back in to say hi, we'll all have a richer experience as a result!
So without further ado, I award you one mango, but the website will take care of the promotion.
Congratulations. You're old.
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2024-05-25 02:33:54 UTC