Event Details

Event ID
Vexer Thrace
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Vexer never ceases to amaze me. She has earned six crescents and one legion of the scholar since her promotion to JH. Not only has she had outstanding participation but she has successfully led her BT to be the most active members in the House during the past three months that she has been BTL. Vexer has proven to me that she is probably one of the better leaders in the Clan as all of her BT members like her and respect her. Vexer is more than deserving of this award. ~QUA Sunflash

Vexer has been BTL of Satal Victus and she never ceases to amaze. She's always had BT comps out and keeps her members active. She is a great example of what a leader should be. Along with that she's present on IRC when she can and remains active in the Clan along with her duties. She always remains in communication even if coming on IRC doesn't work and has excellent email response time. She's an overall solid member and deserves to be recognized for it. ~AED Niman

Serata, 2007-02-28 23:00:00 UTC