The Rank of EL 3 is one of the most difficult ranks to obtain in our club. It is shrouded in intrigue and mystery because not only do you need the XP to reach the rank, but you also need the mythical "and additional requirements" tag to be promoted.
Raken is the definition of "additional requirements."
Raken has served from BTL to Deputy Grand Master in our club. Along the way he revolutionized the way our club views fiction, plot, and story content. The reason we have the position of Voice: Raken. The reason we have character sheets: Raken. The reason we have Vendetta's that are major fiction events: Raken. The reason we have orders and disciplines: Raken (he build the systems after a 20 minute conversation). The standard for creating a planetary system for Clans and the DB: Raken (see the Antei Document).
Raken dedicated years in the Dark Brotherhood to create fictional content that changed the way our club operates. He wrote fiction for 4 Dark Jedi Brotherhood Vendettas, created the precursor to the "enemy faction" system that we now use, and helped shape DB lore and history. He was also a key driving force beyond taking a Vendetta from a big competition to an actual EVENT that used meta gaming, videos, teasers, and tricky little things like shutting down the website because the DB was being invaded (still love that we did that).
The DB can never have enough creative talents. Raken was THE creative for a period that spanned over 5 years in the Dark Brotherhood. His impact is that of a Grand Master. A promotion to EL3 is more than deserved and was more than earned.
Grand Master Declan Roark, 2024-06-03 14:21:46 UTC