Stres'tron'garmis, or as we all well know him, Kord, has been hard at work dedicating his time and energy to both aiding our new members and advising the clan summit as a whole. Since taking the mantle of Battleteam Leader of the Selen Training Corps three months ago, he had awarded 3 Dark Crosses to our Novitiates. He had personally seen too and led the promotion of a Journeyman III and knighted a Journeyman IV! Kord welcomes new members into the discord and the STC. He performs check-ins with them and directs them to activities of their interest, promoting competitions to them directly in effort to get them active and engaged. When a Selen Training Corps member gets awarded, promoted, or ranked up in a society, he celebrates their accomplishments directly in the battleteam's channel. In addition, he has helped advise the clan, weighing in on management ideas such as the trial of restructuring our Summit and advisors chat He helped explain to the current Summit the Discretionary Funds System for Arcona's Houses that he made to allocate credits to each for possessions and encourage activity, allowing us to reinstate the system. And lastly Strong spent a couple of hours with the Consul discussing possession fleet changes to adapt a new unit into Arcona's navy that will be useful for future plotlines.
Stres'tron'garmis has proven to be a valuable member of the team, bringing forth his ample experience in leadership to the table. We look forward to working with him more in the future. Congratulations, Kord, and thank you for your aid!
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2024-06-21 20:05:23 UTC