Event Details

Event ID
Dr. Bril Teg Arga
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Primary reason

Dr. Bril Teg Arga has sewn himself some extraordinary renown through not just Arcona but the Brotherhood as a whole. A man who can commonly be found encouraging his fellow peers to do the activities they wish too, help them develop and establish their characters, collaborate stories, game together, and just hype everyone up for showing/waking up for the day. Just looking at the activity our Zabrak Starosta has done over the last few months, my jaw is on the floor. So let me get right into it.

Since his promotion in January, Bril had (co-)organized 17 competitions and participated in 313 competitions(not including containers), that’s nearly three comps a day! He has won 2 Diamond, 11 Ruby, 14 Amethyst, 19 Sapphire, 12 Emerald, 6 Topaz and 6 Quartz Crescents. Participating in 71 gaming activities, a large number being pokemon unite that he had helped host and drive, Bril had netted 204 Clusters of Fire and ranked up once in the GMRG. He also had earned 45 Clusters of Graphite and moved up 2 ranks in the Shroud Syndicate.

Buckle up, however, because Fiction is where Bril annihilates! He finished his first ACC match and wrote 2,402 words for it. The man had participated in 17 regular fiction activities with a total of 16,244 words, roleplayed 73,279 words as a participant in 35 rps and 28,354 words in 10 rps as a DM. Now, the activity records do not total all of those 63 activities’ words together, so I did it for us. That is a whopping total of 120,279 words of fiction! Gawd Damn! All of that had resulted in 3 Inquisitorius, 1 Antei Combat Center(Participant), 2 Envoy Corps(Participant) and 3 Envoy Corps(Organizer) rank ups. As well as 241 Clusters of Ice.

Bril is an academic mind that had already crushed a vast portion of the Shadow Academy. He did pass 2 courses and gained his Tactics Sage in this time. He also is an avid wiki doer, which has been recognized and awarded 3 Dark Side Scrolls. All of this activity had additionally earned him an Amethyst Kukri and a Sapphire Blade. His activity and dedication to the Brotherhood and Arcona had awarded him a Seal of Loyalty as well. Bril has been an active Battleteam Leader, engaging his members 1 on 1, building them a sandbox to work in, and encouraging activity. He had kept them informed with timely and routine newsposts, writing five of them so far since joining leadership. He's been dedicating time to the clan's wiki and aiding greatly in updating our pages.

So, without further ado, congratulations on promotion to Equate 4, Bril! You worked so damn hard for this and earned it thrice over. I look forward to what’s next on the horizon for you. May the stars guide your path forward!

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2024-08-10 01:23:12 UTC
Additional reasons

Bril has been a cornerstone of his unit, fostering activity amongst the people he watches over. He's receptive to the needs of his unit and tries his best to help them craft their stories and answer questions where he can. He's dived into the Clan's Wiki pages, updating and tidying things up in an attempt to make things seem more "lived in" and give people more information to bounce off of when writing by themselves or with others.

Thank you for your contributions, Bril. One more step up and you'll be in the Elder ranks! See you then.

Professional Nildea Vidh, 2024-08-09 00:51:37 UTC