Event Details

Event ID
Master Malik Sadow
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

Master Malik Sadow, that has a cool ring to it. Another dogged Elder to have here within the Clan. Again I cannot say it enough, I am surrounded by the best staff and former staffers one could ask for. Malik is no exception, as another former Consul of CNS his leadership is sought out by Clan Summit regularly.

Over the past few moons Master Malik Sadow has been involved in fifty six competitions and earned sixty three Crescents. When he is not busy racking up XP points, Master Sadow has strolled over to the Shadow Academy and furthered his education by earning himself a Maven Societies degree.

He has been as steadfast in his journey as one could get. During his time he has added many accolades to his trophy case. More importantly, he has never stopped giving back. From his time as Consul to Star Chamber member and back to Clan Summit. Malik has been involved in every single conversation we've had regarding staff/Clan projects and has counseled on every single one.

Even with him taking a sabbatical from leadership, he is always involved with Summit to better Clan dynamics. When he is not busting our chops in Summit chat, he consistently extends his knowledge and expertise to our members in CNS chat or one on one counseling. Some individuals cannot escape the fact that they are born leaders. These individuals are motivators and often lead through example. Malik has this quality, a true leader, with or without the position.

Without a doubt he is the prime example of an Elder. Master Sadow is and will always remain a distinguished icon within CNS, I cannot see CNS without him. It is with great pleasure and a great honor for Summit to present to you this prestigious award. Thank you Master Sadow for everything you continue to do for CNS. Congratulations!

DarkHawk Sadow


Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2024-11-13 00:51:31 UTC
Additional reasons

The tree has done it again. Despite our efforts to warn him against this sort of thing by making him a Master, Malik has continued his campaign of competitions and crescents. After a massive stack of those to his name, we have no choice but to force him to carry yet another sharp rock.

In March, Malik decided to stop being on the summit for the seventh or eighth time and retire to regular membership, where he has continually been active. Participating in a wide array of competitions, it’s fairly usual to see his name in the top five of just about anything we get emailed on. This consistency is really something valuable, not only for his own credit account, but as an example to others. Showing what can be earned in the club and clan without resorting to the often-times thankless work of project or summit work, this can be a major point of encouragement for those who do not think themselves able to do those sorts of things. We appreciate you helping lead the members by example, from the front.

Thanks for putting in the work, Malik. Here’s another Amethyst Kukri for your collection.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2024-09-03 14:13:19 UTC