During my term as Consul, Vodo has been an invaluable friend and confidant. When it comes to fictional fronts, his contributions have been nothing but phenomenal as a member of our story group. The last few months, he has been at the forefront of discussing ideas around the Prelude storyline and events, concepts for Episode I and II, going as far as working to help us flesh them out for use, though most of the original Episode I details have been pushed off until next year for Episode II with the revisions we made to the overall arc after Ood's efforts.
With the revised Episode I, he created a large number of the fictional competition prompts for Episode I using the master event prompt for phase 1 as reference, and even released a stand-alone fictional competition ahead of the event to let people start getting their mental wheels spinning for this.
I am excited to keep this trend going in the future, as equals instead of Consul to story member, but as this will most likely be my last recc for a while, I wanted to take this point in time to say two key words that often are not said enough in the realm of those who work in the background.
Thank you.
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, 2024-10-13 19:10:49 UTC