Event Details

Event ID
Team Leader Syrena Valkar
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
Primary reason

We were just here. JUST HERE. Once again, Syrena is showing us that they mean business and within days of the last one, we're doing it again. A slew of competitions finalized and this particular member was so voracious, they did all of them. Through the pain screams of my inbox, I've had more of a chance to get to know Syrena, asking each other for book recommendations, music preferences, etc. And I've found that they are happy to just be doing things. Not seeing it as some tedious burden that has to be done but a willingness to just do it. All of it. Even this old dog is impressed time and again by Syrena's drive and desire. It's not often that people make me enjoy my job, but this is one of those tasks that never gets old.

And because it's kinda my schtick, we'll get the boring metrics out of the way since just saying "It's time" might get me yelled at.

Since we were last here, two days ago, Syrena has earned the requisite 2150XP by the following activities: passed an exam in the SA, gained a Steel Cross, two Amethyst Crescents, a Cluster of Ice and six Clusters of Graphite. And while I don't know exactly how many competitions it was, but it was a handful and enough that the sound of my email receiving more and more notifications almost made me throw my phone.

Well done, Syrena. You've earned this and I look forward to writing the next one. Maybe not so fast though. Winky face or something.

Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu, 2024-11-06 23:11:55 UTC
Additional reasons

At this point I am not convinced Syrena sleeps. Miho has already commented on the constant email rings, but boy it's getting to be a pretty regular thing, and for some reason it's always when I decide it's a great time to sleep. Syrena's activity is astounding, and they have certainly made a name for themselves in the clan already. At this rate it's only a matter of time before anyone running competitions in the Brotherhood has at least one entry from here.

Well done, Syrena, you have certainly earned this promotion.

Padawan Tisto Kingang, 2024-11-05 01:01:30 UTC