Event Details

Event ID
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
Primary reason

Sometimes all it takes is a small break before we get back to form, and I'm glad to see that this was the case for Revak. Having had a chance to recover and coming back around, Revak has thrown down with renewed zeal, activity, and an overall presence in the Club. I'm always proud to see figures like Revak cropping back up and headlining a Cluster Digest or taking placement in our monthly status reports, and most of all, I'm proud to hand over this Sapphire Blade today, Revak, you've more than earned it.

Ever onwards!

High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-11-20 04:14:25 UTC
Additional reasons

30 comps, 4 SA courses, 1 SA Degree, 5 Crescents, Trophies... for someone who only recently came out of retirement and started poking around our House and Clan, Revak has done a more than decent job at membering. I've known him for ten years now and I know for a fact this is only the start. Congrats on the shiny. I hope we can award even more very soon.

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2024-11-15 07:52:12 UTC