It's been a few months and we've been through a few updates, adjusting XP rewards for various clusters and overall values, since you were awarded last, had I known and could roll it back, I would have held off on your award to give you a slight push toward the Amethyst you're most certainly due. Since your last award, you've taken part in 7 competitions, one of which being a container competition, and earned just over 15,000 credits for Odan-Urr. You've nattered about in the Discord on occasion, giving your accounts of the days of old and bantering with the rest of the crew. While you're not the most active of us, your contributions and appearances are always appreciated and we look forward to the times you decide to pop in and shout at us, waving your cane and yelling at the clouds.
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-11-23 05:14:12 UTC