Event Details

Event ID
Rychan Iciban
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Korbane has been, and still is, an excellent Tetrarch of the Hell's Gatekeeper's phyle. He has always been a good leader and does everything he can to keep his tyros active. He runs small competitions and maintains contact with them. Korbane has also been an excellent help to me by leading his phyle. He does what he is asked, but also does not hesitate to voice his opinion in a matter of importance. He also serves as a master in the Arcona master/student program. His duty in this aspect will have reached its pinnacle when his student is promoted to DJK (which I will be turning in the recommendation in the near future). Korbane is most certainly a good role model, much like his former counterpart of the Dark Orb phlye, Sebastian.

, 2002-08-13 22:00:00 UTC