Jovian has been one of those members who is always a treat to be around. His nature is one of a happy kid in a candy store at all times. He's disgustingly busy all the time so those moments when we get to see him around are always really exciting and, generally, a ton of fun. Aside from being the first leader of the Templar Jensaarai battle team, Jovian has managed to sock away some few awards of his own through his desire to be here.
Those achievements we have current records of at the time of writing this are that he co-organized a competition series in October titled The Resonance of Terror. He managed to also participate in six competitions, six containers, in which he earned him a small handful of crescents to the tune of two Amethysts, one Emerald and one Quartz. He also gained himself six more clusters of ice for the 2809 words of fiction he found some time to throw out.
In addition to that, he passed one course in the SA and gained himself a rank in the Inquisitorius society. Essentially, despite having a schedule no one would envy him, Jovian has still managed to find the time to be a leader for his team, an example for his Clan and a friend to anyone who meet him. He has earned this medal, his first Grand Cross. I look forward to (hopefully) writing the next one he's ready for as well.
Congratulations, Jovian. You've more than earned this in my book.
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu, 2025-01-04 23:56:08 UTC