Event Details

Event ID
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Ruby Scepter
Non-site XP
3255 XP
Requested by
Bale Andros
Primary reason

Since her last medal in April, Socorra created custom art for 2 weapons, 1 accessory, 2 warbanners, and 1 possession. She approved 12 avatar requests and 22 competitions before the automated XP rewards were put in place for these. She also created 4 basic possession icons and created one additional weapon as part of a team. As Praetor, she also accomplished various miscellaneous administrative tasks, including pouring over spreadsheets with thousands of entries as part of a robes clean-up project that has since been shelved. Though the project may not yet see the light of day, the efforts were there and deserve to be rewarded.

Thank you for your services to the club! Congratulations on this new award.

Bale Andros, 2025-01-07 13:44:54 UTC
Additional reasons

Since Socorra’s last award she has run 33 competitions, participated in an amazing 326, played in 27 gaming events, written two fictions, participate in two roll play activities, earned over a million credits, gained a shadow academy degree, posted 14 times on the news page, and earned a collective 22 crescents and nearly 500 various clusters.

Socks also served in multiple positions during this time frame, to include the Clan Vizsla Consul. During her time as Consul she wrote three reports and ran multiple competitions, to include DB wide events. Socks also kept the clan on their toes with her charm and wit. Kudos on this new award.

GM Sarin/Pravus/Roark

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2025-01-06 17:02:19 UTC

Since her last medal in April, Socks successfully teamed up with Appius to run a team-based May 4th event which received over 1,000 entries from 107 participants. Following the end of her term as Consul, she also organized and ran the Darktober event. She remained personally active as well, participating in 268 comps, winning a handful of crescents, and earning 352 CFs and 139 CGs. Congrats, Socks!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2025-01-07 15:01:28 UTC