Event Details

Event ID
Nora Olen
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Nora Olen has accumulated 58385 XP to earn her first Emerald Dagger. Yup, you read that right. It's like an automated medal prompt, but it's got so much XP on it that it isn't one. Nora has continued to maintain an exceedingly high level of activity, earning more than enough site tracked medal XP to earn a green stabby device.

Since her last recognition, Nora has participated in an astounding 890 non-container competitions. For those entries, she has earned 4 Gold, 2 Silver, and 1 Bronze Novae along with 16 Diamond, 59 Ruby, 121 Amethyst, 165 Sapphire, 122 Emerald, 61 Topaz, and 18 Quarts. So, doing the math, that means she placed in five hundred and sixty-nine competitions. That's what we call crazy. Beyond that, she has also earned 1,430 Clusters of Fire (119 Gaming Activities), 33 Clusters of Ice (2,138 ACC words, 6.927 Fiction words, and 1,550 Roleplaying words), and 467 Clusters of Graphite. Scrolls? Sure, she's got those, too, in the form of 4 Dark Side Scrolls and 16 Scrolls of Foundation. Seals? That, too. 1 Sal of Loyalty and 28 Seals of Transcendence. On the Shadow Academy front she's also passed 10 courses, gained five degrees, and graded 69 courses. Last and certainly not least, she's even ranked up in DB Societies seven times ( 2 GMRG, 2 INQ, and 3 Envoy Participant). In short, the amount of activity numbers she put up invites "equal to the GDP of small countries" comparisons.

It's truly awesome, in the truest sense of the word in that there's sure some awe to be had, the levels of activity Nora has managed to continue to produce day after day, month after month. I'm honored to be able to write this recommendation, and welcome her continued contributions to the activity levels within Clan Plagueis. Congrats.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2025-01-16 22:42:52 UTC