"Have you seen what the people are writing about the officers coming from your people? They're saying that the representative for House Sunrider condones literal terrorism!" Empress Kaltani Anasaye barked at the pair of, rather bemused, Councilors as they scanned the imagery before them, turned to one another, and shook their heads stifling laughter.
"The Governess is a powerful woman, bringing order to a once lawless region in the abyssal trench of Tythas. Do you really think she's not going to be without her detractors? Have you not had your own through the years, I recall attempts to usurp your throne, after all." The High Councilor chuckled as he turned off the holo display, patted the War Councilor's shoulder, and stood before crossing the room to look out over the vistas of Voraskel Palace.
"Besides, considering everything the Governess has done in the interest of our peoples, do you really think she'd jeopardize it all by enabling terrorists? Just look at her community involvement, ten events organized in recent history, and participation in fifty-one competitions. They've managed to bring home many accolades for their work throughout the Galactic Core, including a Gold and Silver Nova, and a plethora of Crescents." The Jedi pointed out as he flicked over her career service vitae.
"You know, maybe we should let her have the occasional explosion, or threat, as a treat?" Mihoshi spoke up, a monotone joke as she cut Masahiro's thought process off.
I don't even know where to begin with this one, Tierra or Vyr as most know them, has been a regular voice of reason on our Summit. Over the last six months, there's been routine discourse, back and forth over various plots, plans, and decisions on how we would run the Clan and Vyr has through them all been a stalwart voice of reason with experience, a unique perspective, and a strong counterpoint to offer. As the Summit has worked to train our new Battleteam Leaders in the early stages of Leadership and prepare them to take greater roles in the future of The Brotherhood, Vyr has been a staunch voice, offering guidance, reassurance, and holding the hands of our newest members as sought help finding their footing. Far beyond this, Vyr has helped breathe life into the various projects surrounding the rebirth of Odan-Urr's House Sunrider, from designing the competitions, architecture, and settlement arrangement of Tythas City, to working hand-in-hand with the member base to discern what kind of schemes and storylines would best represent the future of the House, watching their work and the rebirth of the House has been an adventure, and one I look forward to enjoying over the months to come.
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2025-01-22 18:07:21 UTC