Event Details

Event ID
Mistress Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Ruby Scepter
Non-site XP
9485 XP
Requested by
Malfearak Asvraal
Primary reason

Staff Work

Since joining the Herald's staff as Praetor, Alaisy has completed 2 GMRG items, 1 robe as part of a two person team, and 5 possession icons, generating a total of 9 website images. She has also assisted members in uploading and setting up their own work on the website. She created the resources for the new Lightwhip saber effect used by the Herald staff and made available to the membership in the Herald Resources.

Interim Herald

Within days of taking on the role of Praetor, Alaisy was thrust into the spotlight as “interim” Herald while I was forced to take an unplanned LoA. Over the course of two months, Alaisy liaised with me on office matters, coordinated workload within the office ensuring member and DC requests were met in a timely manner, answered questions from both staff and membership, and made on-the-spot decisions where policies left room for interpretation. She helped the new Headmaster for an art project. She also covered the departure of two staff members during my absence and was involved in coordinating the ensuing recruitment process.

Warbanner 3.2.1

Alaisy worked with me to review and fix outstanding issues with the warbanner system and update its companion wiki page. This includes software compatibility issues, missing elements, folder hierarchy and improved visuals. Alaisy poured over and reorganized dozens of folders, reviewed compatibility with various software such as Clip Studio Paint, Krita, and Photoea, and relayed her findings. She replaced missing elements with new art. She gave the file an improved coat of paint, adding new lighting effects to the tassets, rails and the medallion. The work she did on this project allowed us to offer improved visual quality and ensure superior compatibility between software.

Thank You!

What can I say? Alaisy is, as always, a powerhouse of activity and a pivotal member in this club. Her involvement in the Herald’s office is a blessing I am grateful for each day. She has proven herself to be an incomparable partner in crime and only reaffirms her impressive artistic talents each and every time she picks up her proverbial brush.

Please accept your new medal as a deep, heartfelt appreciation of your services to this club and the Herald’s office.

Malfearak Asvraal, 2025-01-23 03:21:25 UTC
Additional reasons

In the last 3 months, Alaisy has not been sitting still. She’s managed to participate in 307 competitions. This earned her 259 Crescents (67 Diamond, 75 Ruby, 75 Amethyst, 39 Sapphire, 2 Emerald, & 1 Topaz). Alaisy has also earned 4 Clusters of Fire for gaming and 17 Clusters of Ice, having written 7.887 words. She’s also participated in 3 RP sessions and organized another 3 more. She has also managed to elevate her rank across the various societies 4 times.

However, as always, Alaisy has been thriving in her artwork. Spread out across 26 graphics competitions, she’s managed to collect 176 Clusters of Graphite.

Alaisy is a constant within the Clan. She’s always in the list of participants for any competition you end up hosting, always willing to offer advice and feedback when requested. In this regard I am adding on 750 in non-site experience for the simple fact that her well thought out points and remarks in regards to several pressing Clan issues, have been of significant influence in determining the best way forward as a Unit. She’s a social constant for the Clan on Discord, the first to laugh at a funny picture or wordplay. Her presence and overarching advising and mentoring of newer members is truly something to watch (and it’s adding another 500 non-site xp for the various interactions of such a nature she’s had since I joined Taldryan.

Alaisy, you’ve toTALly earned this if I’m bruTALly honest. Keep up the good work and I’ll end up writing you another recc before too long!

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2025-01-21 23:27:38 UTC