Event Details

Event ID
Mistress Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Malfearak Asvraal
Primary reason

I’m sitting here, trying to come up with something clever, something cool, something deep, but really, all I want to say is thank you. Thank you for your involvement in the club. Thank you for the endless stream of contributions you make to the DB, your clan, and our community of artists. You are an inspiration. On a more personal note, thank you for having my back through the last few years. It is an absolute honor to call you a friend.

Without further ado, it is with the utmost pleasure that I recommend you for a promotion to the rank of Elder 2.

Infinite congratulations. You’ve worked hard for this and there is no denying you’ve earned this.

I cannot wait to see what you’ll be up to next.

Malfearak Asvraal, 2025-01-23 20:36:19 UTC
Additional reasons

I said I would be writing another recc for you before too long right?

In the last seven months, Alaisy has apparently been trying to prove all of our other rising stars that they don’t know what excessive activity entails. She’s organised 16 competitions, co organized another 4. This on top of participating in 638 competitions and earning 463 Crescents (111 Diamond, 164 Ruby, 109 Amethyst, 65 Sapphire, 10 Emerald, & 4 Topaz) as well as 13 Novae (6 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze). She’s also earned an Emerald Dagger and a Ruby Scepter. Through gaming she has earned 9 Clusters of Fire. Oh and she’s ranked up across the various societies nine times.

To brag to the Vizsla crowd, she contributed over 5 million credits to the Clan in the last 7 months. Oh and she’s attained 1 Shadow Academy Degree.

As a writer and RP wizard, Alaisy has earned herself 50 Clusters of Ice, having written 18.626 words across 12 fiction events and 11 RP sessions (8 as participants, and 3 as organizer). She also wrote 5.079 words across 2 ACC battles and even managed to serve as an ACC judge in 3 battles.

As an artist, Alaisy has truly found her niche in the club. Having earned 333 Clusters of Graphite, she has been serving as Praetor to the Herald for four months now. Even serving as Herald-ad-interim during the Herald’s Leave of Absence. She also served as an expert consultant for the Chamber of Justice in how to handle AI usage in relation to cheating in GFX competitions.

Alaisy, if anyone has earned Elder-2 for the work they did inside of 7 months, it’s you! Just go reread this listing of everything you achieved in this short amount of time if you don’t believe me. I was going to pun a bit here but honestly I’m too impressed by your MASTERful performance. You’ve truly ELevated the concept of being active. Congratulations and enjoy the fruits of your labors!

Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar, 2025-01-23 20:32:17 UTC