Event Details

Event ID
Knight Jai Thorne
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Mako Henymory
Primary reason

Knight Jai Thorne has reached the required 6800 XP to reach the rank of Equite 1.

At time of writing this recommendation, since his last promotion Jai Thorne has participated in 44 competitions and 4 container competitions. Wrote 350 words for 1 roleplaying session. He has passed 5 Shadow Academy courses earning 2 degrees. Jai has earned 5 society rank ups and 166310 credits for Clan Vizsla. He has received 1 Grand Cross, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 4 with Ruby Star, 4 with Amethyst Star, 1 with Sapphire Star, 2 with Emerald Star, and 708 Clusters of Fire.

I have to preface this recommendation with “At time of writing” since the numbers listed above will most certainly have increased by the time this promotion is processed. Jai is just that active. Since December 31st of 2024 when Jai joined us in the Brotherhood he has been a consistent ball of activity. The fact that I get the honor of writing a recommendation for his promotion to Equite 1 a mere 40 days later speaks volumes of how much Jai has done during his short time with us. He can be found typically hanging out in one of the DB Gaming voice chats, gaming with other DB members, or just down for a conversation in voice or in various text based chats.

To say he has attacked the Shadow Academy would be an understatement. At this time he has very few courses left to take. His questions about how the brotherhood works, his conversations with others, and his activity has spurred life back into some of us older members in Vizsla. I had the pleasure of witnessing his activity summoning forth activity from others in the Clan that had seemed to be laying dormant. This is a mark of a leader in the Brotherhood. While Jai has not held a leadership position in the Brotherhood he displays the qualities of leading from the front.

The Equite tier is a special tier in the Brotherhood. To be an Equite is to stand Equal with your comrades within and outside the Clan. An Equite is no longer the new guy learning the ropes, but a member that has passed the initial learning phase and come into their own within the Brotherhood. As his Proconsul I can attest that Jai Thorne has demonstrated as such, through his actions as well as his words.

Jai, it has been an absolute pleasure watching you climb the ranks, earning accolades one after another. Congratulations on earning Equite 1, and welcome to the wider world of the Brotherhood. I look forward to watching what you climb to next as you continue forward.

Mako Henymory, 2025-02-12 02:16:37 UTC