Event Details

Event ID
Shin'ichi Keibatsu
Grand Cross
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

I realize that Clan Naga Sadow didn't exactly give 100 percent in the recent Rite of Supremacy. If there was an MVP for Clan Naga Sadow in that competition, it would surely be Shin'ichi, mostly for getting our clan a 2nd place finish in the Battleplan, and keeping our clan from getting a distant last place overall. He gave the 100 percent some of the rest of us should have. All of us in the clan witnessed, through email and on IRC, Shin'ichi spending the time getting input from his team over the first four days he had, and then spending the entire day on IRC, the day the battleplan was due, putting it all together. It was remarkable, really remarkable.

It's been a long time since Shin'ichi has gotten a reward for anything, and in that time he has been in various Praetor and Magistrate positions, but more importantly he has been an adviser here and there for the Conclave. We probably don't have similar personalities, but Shin'ichi is a representation of the idea that in Clan Naga Sadow, we all bring something different to the table, and that makes us better as a clan.

Dark Adept Manesh Sadow Consul of Clan Naga Sadow


Shin'ichi Keibatsu is long term committed member of Clan Naga Sadow, he takes an active participation in most debates within the Clan with a mature viewpoint, takes a particular interest in developing new members and promoting Clan wide activity.

Since his promotion to Epis, Shin has continued to work hard as Praetor and Magistrate to the Herald, has taken part in a lot of vendettas for CNS and has remained an active member. During the recent RoS, he personally took charge of the Battleplan event. For each round he created a team of members, asked us all for ideas and discussion on them, refined them into a workable plan and then produced a series of professional PowerPoint presentations that were both impressive and easy to understand. The fact that this excellent work by Shin failed to secure a clear first place will remain one of the great mysteries of the DB for years to come.

I would therefore like to add my support to him being awarded for his efforts with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Malisane de Ath Quaestor of Ludo Kressh


Shin’Ichi is one of my favorite people in this club. He was responsible for our Battleplan, a tremendous amount of work. The final product was awesome. He put many hours into that thing, many emails, and much IRC time. Considering he has a job and a wife as well, that is commendable. I would consider him to be the top performer in our Clan during the recent RoS2. Without his work, we would not have placed as well as we did. He works hard as Praetor and Magistrate, making lots of warbanners and other things. His input in the Clan Conclave is great. He was also responsible for the creation of our Black Guard some time ago, and this work was not recognized until later. Every vendetta that comes along sees him right in there kicking tail. I love that about him. For all these things, including his long-standing service to our Clan, I recommend that he be awarded a Grand Cross.

SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura CNS Proconsul Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2007-04-10 22:00:00 UTC