Event Details

Event ID
Archangel Palpatine
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

This award is for the wonderful Service Archangel has done for both CP and<br> CSP. He helped vastly on the layout for the Clan Plagueis website, especially the splash page. which is enough to award him. Take a look at : http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/.<br> However, Archangel has also helped Consul Kunar<br> with a set of 17 images for the Legions of Scholae project that the Consul<br> has been working. While he is still working on it, it is something that<br> he is doing above and beyond regular duties. Braecen has not yet released the project, but his contribution is very beneficial to the clan. This project helps the clan in the completion of our clan prospectus. <br><br> Archangel has also participated in multiple trivia events, though he is in the majority that cannot seem to dethrone RevengeX Palpatine. He is routinely active in the clan, maintaining a great presence on IRC. <br> <br><br> Archangel also helped win some ACC points for CSP in the RoS, leading them<br> to a Second place Finish overall! He Completed 7 matches, with a winning record. <br><br> <br><br> For his hard work and participation, An Anteian Cross.<br>

Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2007-04-11 22:00:00 UTC