Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

The Clan Summit would like to request a Dark Cross for Earnest. Earnest has played in two ACC matches during the Rite of Supremacy, winning both of them despite his relatively short time in Arcona. Aside from this, he has also provided invaluable help with the second Debate Round. Jac himself wrote us to say our rebuttal scared him…and without Earnest’s expert aid, this would not have been half as good. Earnest has suggested useful arguments and counterpoints against each of our opponent’s opening statement, which would then only have to type out. This was the rebuttal that eventually won us third place, and we believe that, without Earnest, we would not have made it.


Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2007-04-17 22:00:00 UTC