Event Details

Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Grand Cross Voldemort (3553)

Voldemort has consistently shown a tremendous level of dedication and loyalty to his House and Clan. His steady work and efforts during the latest Rite of Supremacy, in gaming, fiction, and the ACC, only prove his value as a member of the Clan. I believe that Voldemort is long overdue for recognition of his contributions to Scholae Palatinae. I truly believe that Voldemort has earned this award.

Rasilvenaira StormRaven Aedile of House Caliburnus


I have known Voldemort for some time now and I have seen his participation in the Brotherhood. His participation in Vendetta events have largely contributed to the success of Clan Scholae Palatinae. In the most recent RoS, His gaming and fiction contributions helped CSP score many points. We cannot thank him enough for this!

However, in the time prior to the RoS. Voldemort has also accumulated a fair share of participation points in the Independence Games, Obelisk Rites of Supremacy, House Wars, and many other competitions. His commitment to the club has been long lasting and routine. The most important trait he has is routine preformance in vendettas. It has been nearly two years since his last promotion, and Time has proven that Voldemort is worthy of this recognition. I hope his valued participation continues in the future, especially the GJW 7. Congratulations Voldemort!

Thran Occasus Quaestor of House Caliburnus


Over the course of the past two years, since Voldemort's elevation to the rank of Templar, he has provided a continuous source of activity, participation and contributions to Clan Scholae Palatinae. Most members will often drop off when they seemingly go unrecognized for such a length of time, but Voldemort has gotten stronger in his efforts.

Clan Scholae Palatinae recently attained the honor of Second Clan in the Brotherhood Vendetta "Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness" compiling 330 Clan points - outstripping four rival Clans to affirm their right as an Elite Clan. For contributions, participation and tenacity to ensure the Clan's wartime efforts... I recognize Voldemort's effort. Compiling 243 individual points in the MP Gaming, Fiction & ACC Events and taking the rank of 5th Overall in the Vendetta.

Since his last elevation, he has accrued over one hundred (100) Clusters of Fire, four (4) Crescents (Ruby, Amethyst & 2 Quartz), two (2) Dark Crosses, an Anteian Cross, a Bronze Nova, three (3) Seal of Alliances, five (5) Seals of Conquest, one (1) Seal of Duplicity and eight (8) Seals of Darkness. Additionally, Voldemort is a consistent participant in varying levels of competitions: House, Clan & Brotherhood. Amongst submissions were entries in the Prelude Feud to the Sixth Great Jedi War, the House vs. House Feud, and the Arcona vs. Scholae Palatinae Feud. Additionally, Voldemort has served in a leadership capacity and understands the rigors of leadership in the Dark Brotherhood - yet we appreciate the contributions as Battle Team Leader - where he supervised members, providing reports, leadership and suggestions to House leadership.

For service to the Clan, participating in the Dark Brotherhood, and being a contributing factor to the development of his Clan for a period of considerable time... I request a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Braecen Kaeth Kunar Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-04-22 22:00:00 UTC