For his contribution in the RoS in the Multiplayer ladder. Merlance played a match, which got points for Tridens Merlance has always been a great member of Tridens. Tridens thanks him for his work.<br>
SW Archean<br>
A member that can always be relied upon to help serve the House and Clan, MERLANCE has been with us through thick and thin over time and recently his efforts in House, Clan and DB wide comps has helped Tridens to shine. Merlance is currently constructing the return of the Tridens monthly Trivia and is instructing members in Jedi Academy.<br>
Congrats MERL.<br>
SWL Welshman Corsair Tarentae<br>
For your outstanding work for Clan Tarentum in the events leading to and during the 2007 Rite of Supremacy, I can only hope that this bauble can administer even a fraction of my gratitude for what you've done.<br>
By My Hand,<br>
Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae,<br>
Archean Bloodfyre Tarentae, 2007-04-27 22:00:00 UTC