Event Details

Event ID
Alanna Taldrya
Steel Cross
Requested by
Chaosrain Taldrya
Primary reason

Alanna did so much during the RoS. She participated in all three of the fiction events and did a great deal of ACC matches. She encourages all of our young members to compete and helped them where she could. She added some feedback to the debate team and did so much for the clan. She is also a great envoy that does so many things for our members. Our newest members feel the most comfortable talking to Lannie and she helps them integrate into the rest of the clan. She does so many great things for Ektrosis and Taldryan. Thank you so much Lannie, your work is truly appreciated. You truly deserve this Steel Cross and we thank so much for the work you have done.<br> <br> ~Chaosrain Taldrya<br>

Chaosrain Taldrya, 2007-04-29 22:00:00 UTC