Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
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For multiple competitions (6) started and completed (2 running and 2 completed) as well as excellent work as the new HEK Aedile, Jagan demonstrated his dedication to the Dark Jedi Brothehood and House Exar Kun.<br> --<br> DJM Royal (Krath)/QUA/Exar Kun of Plagueis<br> <br> In the short time Jagan has acted as Aedile of House Exar Kun, he has already shown great promise. Starting and running several competitions already, he is showing that he cares for the activity of the house and its members. He also has great IRC and email activity, and is currently working with me to gather a list of all Clan Plagueis related Wiki articles that need work on, quite a lot of work when he has to look through around eighty articles. All in all, it has only been a few weeks and already Jagan is doing a great job as Aedile. ~ Consul Aabsdu<br> <br>

Royal, 2007-05-26 22:00:00 UTC