Event Details

Event ID
Lord Dacien Victae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Battlemaster Dacien “BubbaX” Victae served Clan Plagueis well during his short term as Consul. Stepping in when the Clan needed him and keeping order during a time of conflict he not only continued to help the Clan grow, he led CP to a third place in the RoS. Along with this he instituted new programs, Plagueis Senate, while working on improving existing ones, the Clan Feudal System. It was an honor to serve under him and Bubba is truly deserving of this award. ~ HSK QUA Robert Daragon<br> <br> ~~~<br> <br> BubbaX has been an invaluable help as CON as he helped me get acquainted with House Exar Kun and helped me numerous times with my duties. He led by example and it is sad to see him go. ~ HEK QUA Royal<br> <br> ~~~<br> <br> Bubba was Consul of Clan Plagueis for around a month and a half until he had to resign due to a sudden trip that popped up in real life. Still, his activity as shown before his appointment, during his reign, and has/will continue to show afterwards. Before his appointment as Consul, he worked as Quaestor of House Exar Kun for about two weeks. After that, he was Proconsul under Consul Orzon. During this time, about a month, he worked on several projects with Orzon, many of which were never completed. He also managed to pull off some activity during the Rite of Supremacy, earning three seals and six Clusters of Fire. As Consul he went straight to work, dissolving the Council of the Wise and forming the Plagueis Senate. He also started working on a new military/feudal system for the clan, although this project is still in the works, and on hold until he returns from his trip. He was doing great work as Consul, but sadly had to resign.<br> <br> While he has done great work project and leadership-wise, Bubba's true activity comes in the form of internet coding and website upkeep. Bubba runs the Clan Plagueis website almost completely by himself, and also works on the two house websites every now and then. With the clan website, he not only created and coded a new splash page and format for the website (mainly coded), but he has coded a complex voting system for the members to use. He is also working on the military/feudal system, which is a major system of code that has taken him weeks to work on and figure out how to write. Still, he continues on. Without Bubba, I don't even know if Clan Plagueis would have a website, and I almost dread the six weeks during the summer when I'll have to run it by myself. So, I say thank you for all of your work as a leader, as well as your amazing coding abilities and assistence. ~ Consul Aabsdu

Zanet Xox, 2007-05-26 22:00:00 UTC