Event Details

Event ID
Khobai Wrathraven
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Primary reason

"A bit late but their was a miscommunication...anyway, Clan Arcona never got the chance to properly say thank you to Khobai for all his hard work. So here it is:

Khobai is an outstanding individual who has a strong personality and deep devotion for his Clan. He has re-motivated me after a personal period of instability in the Brotherhood. The admiration from fellow Clansmen toward Khobai is both sincere and powerful and from what I have both heard and witnessed he has been a major component in building Arcona to it's current stature.

Dark Adept Mejas Doto

Khobai was QUA of Qel-Droma when I first joined the House and he did an excellent job then. He has done well in everything that he has led. This is not new service, but constant service that goes back for a couple of years, at least that I am aware of. He certainly deserves something.

KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: ENV], (SC)/(SE-WG)/DC-KC-O-CS/(SN)/(BNB)/Cr-3A {SA: CORE}

Proconsul Khobai has been a pleasure to work with, under, and around. He has personally dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly, while still maintaining his calm disposition and great sense of humor. He has been instrumental to the growth and prosperity of Clan Arcona, and has fully earned our respect, and this token of appreciation.

OW Mage (Obelisk)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: CRU-S] GC/(SE)/DC-KC/Cr-2D-7R-1A-3S/CF-RF/DSS

As a long standing member of Clan Arcona, I have seen leaders come and go, good and bad. PCON Khobai has been one of, if not THE, best PCON Ive ever had the pleasure of working with. He helped shape an inactive clan into one that definately is in contention for First Clan of the DB, tho only the GJW will prove that;p Khobai constantly goes above and beyond the normal call of duty to assist his Clan members in any way possible. I believe he deserves something for his commitment and long standing service to the Brotherhood. Thanks.

OBM Drakal Morth (Obelisk)/Galeres of Arcona ICQ:31578581 EHDrakalMorth@aol.com AIM:EHDrakalMorth

The reason that I think that Khobai deserves a pretty good medal is because he did a tremendous job in Clan Arcona. Khobai made Clan Arcona much better! He knows where he stands for and will keep on trying until he succeeds. Khobai managed to perform several succesful projects and competitions.

Greetings ^CyberGuy^

DJK ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar (Krath)/M:HM-RM-TYR/House Qel-Droma of Arcona (SE-LS)/DC-KC-O-CS/Cr-2A-1S/DSS

{SA: CORE-CH-O:KS-O:KGS} Dossier #1400

My own recommendation for this reward:

1) through the continous efforts of KE Khobai, he has made Arcona a Clan to be proud of. he has set up the first, big Clan Wide competition in Arcona in YEARs. He has also made an effort in the last 3-way Feud in which Arcona was involved. 2) Supporting me with his constant online presence and leadership qualities."

, 2002-08-27 22:00:00 UTC