Event Details

Event ID
Jac Cotelin
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Despite a very strict real-life schedule, Jac has managed to siphon some time for very essential DB coding efforts. Most notably, the "retired" Grand Master has nearly enough single-handedly made the position of Knight Commander of the Brotherhood obsolete by creating a new member tracking tool. The tool allows for the Brotherhood leaders to see how their membership is progressing through the ranks over the course of a<br> certain time period. The original requirements just called for some data output, but Jac went above and beyond by creating a full-scale statistic-results system. The whole process took him around 20 hours. What I appreciate most is that Jac stepped up to do this project after<br> two Seneschal assistants failed to meet their deadlines on it.<br> <br> Jac has also spent a good deal of time on the customary code fixes that the DB site requires. He has added some new pages, ftp accounts, and subdomains as we've required and is a constant resource for us. So much for his supposed retirement. <br> <br> This Grand Cross of the Dark Side is our saying thanks again for your continued work, Jac.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2007-06-13 22:00:00 UTC