Event Details

Event ID
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Steel Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

There is two reason I think Vodo needs this, and two alone are enough. As BTL, Vodo has done what I'd say as a superb job in getting his members active and doing competitions. While the House Summit has been wavering over the past month or two, Vodo has kept Phoenix soaring with competitions, reports, and most recently the Ektrosis Cup. This was a great low level competition that brought the House battleteams to compete for the title of "First Battleteam of Ektrosis." Not only did this bring up activity in the House, it was exactly what they needed. <br> <br> Vodo works with his competing BTL and the Summits to get this going, and I upload him on his efforts and want to thank him with this award. For being a mentor and leader, and for running a marvelous competition, take this Steel Cross as an award. Congrats!<br> <br> ~CON Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-06-24 22:00:00 UTC