Event Details

Event ID
Callus Bo'amar
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

I would like to request that the Anteian Cross be awarded to Callus Bo’Amar for his recent work for Clan Arcona. More specifically, his work for promotion recommendations within the Clan.<BR><BR>

A few days ago, Callus came to me with the comment that our current promotions are rather…bland. To counteract this, he showed me a knighting ceremony from his time in Plagueis, and volunteered to write up promotion ceremonies for Clan Arcona in a similar vein. He did so promptly and almost without delay, churning out a very good set of Clan-specific ceremonies that offer a wide range of possibilities for ‘customization’, depending on whether the Clan member has a master or not, is a Battleteam member or not, which Shadowcrafting path they take, the promoting member, and more such variables. <BR><BR>

All in all, Callus has performed, in a short time, an admirable amount of work, and giving him the Anteian Cross for it is the least award he deserves.<BR><BR>

-Timeros, Consul Arcona

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2007-06-30 22:00:00 UTC