Event Details

Event ID
Devani Kiriana Maharet
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Primary reason

Devani Marharet has fought bravely and done an outstanding job during GJW 7. She has participated in many of the events, earning a total of seven Seals of Pain for her efforts and mentored quite a few people in her house and clan. Her efforts even earned her the position of Flight Leader of the Sapphire Squadron. I am proud to award Devani with a Steel Cross for her continued service to Clan Naga Sadow.

~KAP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Quaestor House Ludo Kressh Clan Naga Sadow

Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2007-08-26 22:00:00 UTC