Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

I absolutely love Jagan. I can actually still remember briefly when he first joined the Brotherhood. He was very enthusiastic about being a great member, but then due to real life fell into the shadows for a while. Then, he came back, and at full strength. In his time as Aedile of House Exar Kun, he has been a fundamental leader of Clan Plagueis, one that I know will help with projects whenever I ask.<br> <br> As Aedile, he has kept up with reports keeping the house informed of what’s going on, and during the Great Jedi War he almost ran the house completely by himself due to Quaestor Royal’s real life constraints, and might I say he pulled it off. He’s also been a large helper on the Wiki Articles Project for the clan, where we are basically getting all articles related to Plagueis up to date. Now, during this last week since the GJW has ended, he has already shown that he is ready to get back into action. Creating a new Wiki table, releasing a report, and giving his much appreciated opinion on clan ideas has been just a few of his works for the clan.<br> <br> During the GJW, Jagan managed, despite handling HEK almost by himself, to participate in the run-on, three graphic events, and the ACC event, during which he played some ten-odd matches, winning many of them and getting into the Top 15 in the ladder.<br> <br> Jagan represents the type of leader that I love. He is dedicated, willing to serve, always there to help with projects, and yet still manages to participate in competitions like regular members, thus keeping the balance. He is a leader who I know will move on to higher things ~ Consul Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar<br> <br> ~~~~~<br> <br> Jagan has proven time and time again that he has what it takes to be an active member of the Clan as well as a strong Aedile. His GJW activity was proof of his activity, seeing how he participated in six different events, including the Run-on, which took more than just posting occasionally to be rewarded for. His work as Aedile has been outstanding, him having stepped up to practically run House Exar Kun himself during a time of need. I feel that this surge of activity will to continue forward with his House and Clan. Jagan. Keep up the great work. You make us proud. ~ Proconsul Esca<br>

Zanet Xox, 2007-09-01 22:00:00 UTC