Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

Scholae Palatinae battled through the Seventh Great Jedi War to attain the prestigious title of Second Clan. Under the banner of the dragon, fifty three (53) individuals contributed to our final standings - assisting in a multitude of manners across a broad spectrum of events. Of these<br> warriors, <br> I present an individual of great achievement before the Master At Arms to be rewarded for their contributions in this Vendetta.<br> <br> Jaysun delivered the Clan two well written Run-On posts that helped contribute to our third overall finish. In addition to following the plot and maintaining continuity, he also participated in three ACC matches and delivered a solid fiction entry (that got full marks). His efforts in these three arenas helped ensure CSP maintained their ranking in the <br> respective ladders. His three Seals are an honorable reward, but his tenacity in this event and the CSP Summer Games combined makes him worthy of recognition in the form of a Dark Cross.<br> <br> Braecen Kaeth Kunar & Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2007-09-02 22:00:00 UTC