Event Details

Event ID
General Zentru'la
Dark Cross
Requested by
RevengeX Palpatine
Primary reason

As a rather belated, but well-deserved, award of recognition for Archpriest Impetus Korin's efforts, I hereby award her a Dark Cross.<br> <br> From the Codex of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood: "Those who receive the Dark Cross have shown a strong level of activity within their House or Battle Team through IRC presence, participation in competitions and events or having worked on small-scale projects".<br> <br> The key part for Impetus is "small-scale projects". Impetus, serving as the figurehead and leader of the Order of the Dragon, House Acclivis Draco's elite unit, has created a Dragon Seraphim logo where she adds each member's name as he/she is inducted. She has also spearheaded the development of the Order of the Dragon by creating such things as the "Dragon Support" - a collection of detailed NPCs which serve as an auxiliary unit for the Order of the Dragon - and the "Order of the Dragon Reference Manual" which can be found here: http://www.freewebs.com/krathimpetus/DragonSeraphim/OrderOfTheDragon.htm.<br> <br> Additionally, she has also had excellent IRC presence and helps out new members by pointing them in the right direction when they join #scholae.<br> <br> Thank you, Impetus!<br> <br> --<br> RevengeX Palpatine<br> Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco

RevengeX Palpatine, 2007-09-06 22:00:00 UTC