Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Talon Jade
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Chancellor Shadonyx: I come to you again with a medal recommendation for Dark Jedi Knight Talon Jade. Although a fairly new addition to House Galthain (2 weeks), DJK Talon Jade has recently done the following things: posted regularly to the CSK/Galthain message board forum, submitted two pilot files for playing two (2) DB free missions, supported my emails to the house as Quaestor concerning multiplayer/single player ladders even directly challenging the entire house to duel on IRC sometime, discussed policy with me regarding squadron commanders of which I have just very recently put to use upon our two Sith CMDRs, offered assistance in finding a php/asp coder for the SP/MP ladder which will be instituted into House Galthain very soon upon ironing out the final details, and consistent IRC presence. DJK Talon Jade has not contributed in one specific area as the SE description points out, however has contributed to areas in piloting, msg board posting, command discussion, AND successful motivation of some of our sith members when it comes to MP challenges. I believe DJK Talon Jade has more than met the requirements for this award and should thus be recognized. Thanks for your patience in reading this recommendation!

, 2002-10-13 22:00:00 UTC